After Jesus had fasted for forty days and forty nights… (Matthew 4:2) In The Bible, the number forty stands for a long time of hardship, waiting, and wandering.
AFTER the earth flooded, Noah spent 40 days in the ark BEFORE God made a covenant with his family.
AFTER hearing God’s commandments, Moses fasted 40 days and 40 nights BEFORE leading the Israelites in the wilderness.
AFTER leaving Egypt, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness 40 years BEFORE reaching the Promised Land.
AFTER his baptism, Jesus was led into the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted BEFORE starting his ministry.
Forty is an in-between space – between the AFTER and BEFORE – where transformation takes place. What do you need to take with you in the wilderness? Who do you need to take with you? What supplies do you need? (Used with permission from Theresa Cho)
Join us in your own journey during Lent. You will be given a baggie which will contain air drying modeling clay and one candle. You will simply fashion a candle holder from the clay and move the candle each day during Lent. As you move the candle one space each day pray for a person or a place going through dark, difficult times. As your candle journeys in 20 steps and journeys out 20 steps, pray they will know light in their darkness as they journey through the wilderness.