Local Missions
Children in Foster CareNRPC has an Angel Tree to provide Christmas gifts each year for children in foster care through Wake County Child Protective Services.
Crop WalkThe CROP Walk is a community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service. The funds raised go to food pantries and soup kitchens in Raleigh and provide food and safe drinking water around the world. NRPC members walk in the Raleigh CROP walk every October.
Food Bank of Central and Eastern NCThe Cornerstone Class sorts food the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Food Bank, and NRPC holds food drives during the year to support the Food Bank.
Helen Wright CenterThis local ministry works to reduce homelessness by providing temporary housing and support services which help to promote independence. NRPC provides and serves dinners on the first Tuesday of every quarter to the residents and volunteers.
Habitat for HumanityNRPC has been involved with the Apostles Build for more than a decade, providing funding and volunteers to build houses with other churches and partner families. We also send volunteers and funding for Habitat's Home Preservation, a program that provides exterior repairs of existing homes in Raleigh for the elderly and low-income families.
Urban Ministries
North Raleigh MinistriesNorth Raleigh Ministries provides compassionate assistance to neighbors in crisis in a Christian environment. NRPC provides funding and has food drives for North Raleigh Ministries.
Nutbush Clothing GiveawayNRPC has two clothing collections each year to support a Clothing Giveaway in Henderson, NC, organized by Nutbush Presbyterian Church.
Monthly Mission focusEach month, NRPC has a monthly collection to support ministries in the local area and nationwide. Through these collections of food, clothing, supplies and funds, we support the Appalachia Service Project, local food pantries, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Special Olympics, Helen Wright Center, clothing giveaways and families with chronically ill children, in addition to other ministries.