Stewardship Season is underway! Join us on our journey from remembering to restoring our money stories. We hope all of us will discern how to deepen our participation in God's money story of abundance and grace. We invite you to consider prayerfully how you will respond to God's grace by joining NRPC's money story. You can pledge your commitment to NRPC's mission and ministry now by going to our website or picking up a pledge form in the Narthex.
We are grateful for all the families within our church who have presented 2021 commitment cards. If you have not returned your pledge card you may do so online as well as by dropping off your cards at the church office blue mailbox.
If you replied and reserved lunch for Sunday please note:
Thank You, Stewardship Committee We encourage everyone to drop off your pledge card when you pickup your takeout lunch on Sunday, November 8th at 11:30am in the NRPC parking lot. You may also complete the online link found in enews.
You can also submit a 2021 pledge online this year! Click below, or click the link on the home page to complete your 2021 Commitment. Consecration Sunday is November 8th:
Be on the lookout for a stewardship mailing this week that contains a reservation card for our catered take out luncheon. RSVP for the luncheon by November 1st. The NRPC Stewardship Team is excited to celebrate another Consecration Sunday with you on November 8. You may recall from past years the essence of our New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program:
January 2023