Congregational Care Ministries
The Congregational Care Ministry Team nurtures and supports the church family. This team also assists in growing the church membership and empowering all to grow spiritually by responding to their own personal call to serve others by educating them on opportunities to share their time and talents.
The NRPC Prayer Team is a small group of members who pray for others upon request and with respect for confidentiality. They are responsible for scheduling any special Days of Prayer.
Stephen Ministry Are you being called to serve in Stephen Ministry? If you are being called to help someone in a crisis or time of need, please contact George Spransy or Stacy Askew to inquire about Stephen Ministry training. If you think you, or someone you know, would benefit from a Stephen Minster contact George or Stacy.
Meal Ministry
Meals are available and are delivered by the deacons and team members.