The Worship Team is sponsoring Christmas dedications for loved ones during Advent. You may purchase a poinsettia in honor or memory of a family member or a friend for the cost of $10 per plant. Please complete this order form .
You may mail your check to NRPC, 11905 Strickland Rd Raleigh, NC 27613 or you may also drop payment off in the blue mailbox. Orders need to be received by Sunday, December 12. Please note Poinsettia in the memo field of the check. Plants may be taken home following the Christmas Eve service or arrange pickup with the office. The Session has approved NRPC working toward becoming a COMMUNITY SPONSOR for an Afghan refugee family through Church World Service!
This means that members of our congregation will work with CWS to support an Afghan family, relocating to our area, as they strive toward self-sufficiency and sustainability. The team’s time commitment will be 5-15 hours collectively for 4-6 months. Some of the ways we will support the family are: *Securing and furnishing housing *Providing basic needs assistance and financial support *Supporting self-sufficiency goals like practicing English and getting a job Thanks to the generosity of congregation the funds for our sponsorship are already available, and Church World Service will provide guidance and additional help for us all along the process. To be a part of this team, individuals will go through a background check with Church World Service, participate in a 2 hour training, and show proof of a COVID vaccination. What an amazing opportunity this will be for our family of faith! Everyone in the congregation will have the chance to provide help for our family to some way—if you are interested in being a part of the team which directly works with our family, please contact Becky Pyrch at [email protected]. The NRPC Men's Advent Dinner will be offered as a pick up and take out again this year. An adult and a child box will be offered. Each box includes a serving of ham, turkey, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry apple casserole, and roll. Each adult box will include a mini pie. Custom orders are not being offered. Please complete this form by Wednesday, December 8th. All reserved plates will be available for pick up from 5:00 - 6:00 PM Sunday 12/12. There is no charge for the meal but donations are accepted. Contact the office with any questions. Reserve Meals Here
Advent Wreath Making Workshop Sunday, November 28 please join us after Worship to make a wreath. If you can’t attend the workshop, there will be kits to take home. There will also be a church-wide reverse-Advent calendar outreach project introduced at the gathering. Youth students will make wreaths at youth group.
Advent Intergenerational Bible Study will be held Sunday, November 28 and Sunday, December 5 at 5:00pm. Please join us for a bible study in the Faith Ministries Building. All ages are welcome. Reverse Advent Calendar A new Advent Tradition begins….. A Reverse Advent Calendar Typically, advent calendars are filled with candy. Starting December 1 and ending on Christmas Eve you receive a treat a day. A reverse advent calendar allows you to donate or give something each day—thus giving instead of getting At the Advent Workshop on November 28, you will be able to decorate a box and receive a list of non-perishable food items to place daily in the decorated box. At the end of the month, you can take your box of goodies to the North Raleigh Ministries Food Pantry or NC Food Bank. If you cannot be at the workshop, there will be decorated boxes and instructions available outside the FMB November 29-December 3. Can’t get to the food bank at the end of December, don’t worry! Outreach Team will help with that. Be a part of this new tradition. This will be an amazing way to bless those in need in your community and also keep your family focused on the true meaning in this season. NRPC is inviting you to buy Christmas gifts for some of the nearly 600 children in foster care in Wake County. You can either pick an Angel off the Angel Tree in the Narthex or Sign Up for and Angel online.
Click Here Please purchase what you are able to manage from their wish lists, and put the gifts in a holiday gift bag. Place them either under the Narthex Angel Tree or drop them off to the Faith Ministries Bldg (FMB) on these dates below with a tag including : 1) name 2) age 3) social worker’s name on the tag. Drop off Dates: Sunday, Nov 28 or Dec 5 from 11:30 am – 1 pm We deliver the gifts to Wake County HHS on Monday, Dec 6. Thank you for participating in this special ministry to bring cheer to these children! |
January 2023