We will gather on October 11 at 6:30pm behind the Sanctuary for a brief outdoor worship service with communion. Please bring a chair or blanket.
![]() Communion Outdoor Vesper Service @ NRPC We will gather on October 11 at 6:30pm behind the Sanctuary for a brief outdoor worship service with communion. Please bring a chair or blanket.
![]() The NRPC Stewardship Team is excited to celebrate another Consecration Sunday with you on November 8. You may recall from past years the essence of our New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program:
Join us certain Sundays from 6:30-7:00pm in the NRPC parking lot where you are invited to walk the Labyrinth that will be setup outside. Walking a labyrinth is a spiritual exercise that occupies your mind and body in order to open your spirit to the Holy Spirit. Please bring a mask and observe social distance between walkers.
*The Labyrinth will be setup weather permitting in the parking lot of NRPC. If the ground is too wet a cancellation email will be sent Sunday.* ![]() NRPC Drive-In - Join us the first Sunday of each month, between 9 and 11am to collect communion elements and exchange a quick sign of peace. Use the pre-packaged communion elements when you celebrate the Lord's Supper with us via digital worship. Masks, gloves and distance will ensure safety during this drive-in. Pennies for Hunger will also be collected at this time. ![]() The second annual NRPC WALK FOR HUNGER will be on Sunday, October 4 at 1:30pm. The walk will take place at Blue Jay Point State Park. A lovely walk through the woods will provide the opportunity for some fun and safe fellowship and support a very important ministry. There will be a sign up table outside the FMB during other events taking place at the church over the next few weeks including Youth Group, MAX, and the deacon gatherings. You may stop by the church and sign up to walk-Everyone is encouraged to walk-families even pets are welcome! If you are not able to get to the church to sign up please contact Janet Livengood at [email protected] to sign up to walk. If you cannot participate in this year's Walk for Hunger, you may still support this important ministry by sponsoring a walker! Some members already signed up to walk are: Emily Uhland, Evie Uhland, Juliet Uhland, Jack Hedgepeth, Jeff Hedgepeth and Julie Fotheringham, Mary Addison Askew, Roger Askew, Emily Espenshade, Caroline Espenshade, Debbi Freer, Luke Allen and Krista Allen. Checks should be made out to NRPC with WALK for HUNGER in the memo line, along with who you are sponsoring. Watch for more walkers to be listed. The money raised will go to Church World Service for their STOP HUNGER programs which support hunger relief programs locally and internationally. This year's Walk takes place on Worldwide Communion Sunday. A solid reminder that as we all share the Lord's Supper together all over the world, we can also share in a worldwide commitment to end hunger everywhere. MAX: CONNECTED for fall 2020 got off to a great start on Wednesday night at NRPC!
Check the Friday News or the MAX 2020 link under "Categories" on the right of this page for details on next week's MAX: CONNECTED activities! Photo credit: Krista Wright September 24th 7:00pm via Zoom
Thank you!Thanks to everyone who came out and helped "spruce up" the NRPC grounds this past Saturday. Here are a few photos from the day.
Starting Wednesday 9/16, MAX (Music, Arts, and eXpression) is back at NRPC! This fall, MAX will be a combination of on-campus and virtual events and activities. We look forward to seeing you!
Check out the various fungi that took up residence on the NRPC campus this summer! Let us know in the comments if you can name them!
January 2023