Worshiping with Children
We welcome all children in worship! Age appropriate bulletins, Bibles and books are available to help parents and children enjoy the worship service together. All children have the opportunity to participate in worship through music, liturgy, and by serving as acolytes.
Preschool - 1st Grade
Children begin Church with their families. Following "Sharing the Faith with our Children", children are invited to participate in Children's Church in the Faith Ministries Building (FMB). Children participate in liturgical call and response using the symbols of our faith. They experience scripture through drama or storytelling, and by singing and praying together.
Preschool - 1st Grade
Children begin Church with their families. Following "Sharing the Faith with our Children", children are invited to participate in Children's Church in the Faith Ministries Building (FMB). Children participate in liturgical call and response using the symbols of our faith. They experience scripture through drama or storytelling, and by singing and praying together.
*All adult teachers, leaders, and staff have undergone a background check.