Covid forced the group to Zoom, where we have thrived and intend to continue. Due to the recent departures of stalwarts like Dick Christensen and John Minor, recruits are needed to fill our ranks with men who appreciate a friendly ear, lots of free advice, a warmup to Sunday’s sermon, or a good laugh. Dick still provides the farm report with his knowledge of plants, birds and bees, and the W-2ers (those gainfully employed and not drawing Social Security) regale us with tales of the workplace. We all take a moment to share weekly updates, and then we discuss the upcoming Gospel passage.
You don’t need to be a Bible scholar, or even an NRPC member. Just someone with a Zoom app and interest in connecting. The atmosphere is casual, the jokes are lame, but the relationships and support are terrific.
Have we piqued your interest? Care to give us a try? Contact me for the Zoom login information, and the list of Gospel passages to be discussed. You might just make a new friend and jump-start your weekend. Friday mornings: 7:00am to 8:00am sharp. Set your alarm.
Mike Ganey [email protected]. 919-608-8009
Pioneer Sunday School Class invites you to explore what it means to be a Matthew 25 church.
You are invited to join the Pioneer Class in an exploration of what it means to be a Matthew 25 church using the resource from the PCUSA Presbyterian Mission Agency titled “Bringing Matthew 25 Into Focus.”. The class meets at 6:00 pm on Sundays both in person and on Zoom. Please contact Stormy Ingold for more information. [email protected].
Summer Bible Study Join Brandon Monday nights from 7-8pm on Lies My Preacher Told Me? Please let Brandon know if you plan to attend and would like a book. Zoom login details will be provided.